利用嫁接技術防治洋香瓜黑點根腐病 The grafting management in root rot/vine decline of muskmelon
利用嫁接技術防治洋香瓜黑點根腐病 The grafting management in root rot/vine decline of muskmelon
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The muskmelon tongue root inarching grafts, used watermelon 1100, wax gourd 1202 and squash 1913 as rootstock, were studied for their efficacy in controlling root rot/vine decline of muskmelon. The above-ground rootstock tissues were excised at the grafting union by razor 3 weeks after transplanting. The survival rates of the rootstock plants were more than 80%. These results provided the basis for disease management of root rot/vine decline of muskmelon by graft culture. In 2004, a field experiment was conducted at Dongshan (in Tainan County) and Wax gourd 1202 and Squash 1913 were screened for their suitability as rootstock. In 2005, in further field experiments conducted at Chigu I and II (Tainan), the grafts on squash 1913 rootstock gave a stable, positive performance on disease management. Although the root of rootstock plants was also infected by M. cannonballus, they displayed a relatively low root rot index of 1.1 and 1.6 in the two fields, respectively. There were 54% of the total root numbers found to derive from the rootstock plant. By harvest time, the grafts showed a phenomenon of temporary wilting in which the plants wilted during the day and would recover at night or in a later time under certain circumstances. A normal harvest of high quality fruit of muskmelon was possible.
在溫室以南瓜1913、冬瓜1202與西瓜1100爲根砧所製作的舌狀根靠接苗,於定植後第3星期切除根砧之地上部,可得鬨80%以上的根砧存活率。據此,應用此種嫁接苗於田間防治試驗,2004年在東山鄉觀察以冬瓜1202與南瓜1913爲根砧的洋香瓜舌狀靠接株,對黑點根腐病有較佳的防治效果。隔年在七股鄉兩個山間試驗區,亦顯示以南瓜1913常根砧之嫁接株表現優良而穩定的成效。雖然根砧會被Monosporascus cannonballus所感染,但是根砧之根數佔整個植株根系的54%,且其根腐指數較低。在採收期嫁接株地上部雖表現暫時性萎凋的特性,但尚有符合商品價值的洋香瓜可供收穫。
在溫室以南瓜1913、冬瓜1202與西瓜1100爲根砧所製作的舌狀根靠接苗,於定植後第3星期切除根砧之地上部,可得鬨80%以上的根砧存活率。據此,應用此種嫁接苗於田間防治試驗,2004年在東山鄉觀察以冬瓜1202與南瓜1913爲根砧的洋香瓜舌狀靠接株,對黑點根腐病有較佳的防治效果。隔年在七股鄉兩個山間試驗區,亦顯示以南瓜1913常根砧之嫁接株表現優良而穩定的成效。雖然根砧會被Monosporascus cannonballus所感染,但是根砧之根數佔整個植株根系的54%,且其根腐指數較低。在採收期嫁接株地上部雖表現暫時性萎凋的特性,但尚有符合商品價值的洋香瓜可供收穫。
Journal Citation
v.17(1):35-41, 植物病理學會刊 (PLANT PATHOLOGY BULLETIN)
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