

Summary of key findings 1. Consortium membership increased from 43 members in 2019 to 44 members in 2020. The share of small companies (<100 employees) has increased every year since 2017 and was 48% in 2020. Half of the consortium members are based in India. 2. This study collected data on key performance indicators for 23 seed companies in 2021, which is substantially better than in previous years showing that the revised data collection method worked. A total of 34 seed companies have provided data at any time since 2017. 3. These data show that WorldVeg-developed germplasm was found in 25 tons of tomato, pepper, bitter gourd and pumpkin seed sold in Asia by 19 different seed companies. This seed is potentially enough to plant 171,000 hectares under these vegetable crops and benefit 490,000 small-scale farm families. 4. These estimates are substantially higher (+48%) than the previous study we did in 2019, which showed that WorldVeg genetic material was used by 7 seed companies and reached 112,200 hectares under these vegetable crops and benefited 330,300 small-scale farm families. This increase can partly be attributed to a larger sample of seed companies in this study as compared to the previous study. 5. Our data showed that WorldVeg bitter gourd lines and hybrids were sold by 7 companies in 2020 with total seed sales of about 2.6 tons. This is the first evidence for impact of the WorldVeg bitter gourd program as our 2019 study showed zero sales. Thirteen companies are currently using WorldVeg bitter gourd material in their breeding program.




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