The performance of Moringa oleifera seeds and seedlings in a spent engine oil contaminated soil was\n evaluated in Delta State, Nigeria in 2010 with a view to determining the level of the oil that the plant can tolerate. Spent engine oil levels used were 0.00, 1.61, 3.21, 6.43 and 8.09% (w/w). The experiment was arranged in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four replications. The results show that a negative relationship existed between the oil level in soil and the growth parameters (germination\n percentage, days germination, rate of germination, plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, stem\n diameter and biomass accumulation) measured. Seeds and seedlings of M. oleifera grown in the oil\n contaminated soils differed significantly (P 0.05) from their counterparts that did not receive oil treatment in all the plant characters and their effects are spent engine oil level dependent. This study\n has shown that soil contamination by spent engine oil has a highly significant effect of reducing the\n germination responses and subsequent performance including biomass production of M. oleifera seedlings. This study has a great implication in the sustainability of M. oleifera a multi-purpose tree\n species.
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