Management of pepper viruses
SB320.2.C6 1996
Management of pepper viruses
Shanhua, Tainan AVRDC Taiwan
Publication Date
Call Number
SB320.2.C6 1996
The presence of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) was noted in 8 out of 13 provinces surveyed, while cHilli veinal mottle virus (CVMV) was detected in 5 provinces. Mixtures of both viruses were observed in most of the samples tested, particularly those collected from Batangas and Ilocos Sur. Surveys for other potentially important viruses revealed the presence of tobacco etch virus (TEV), pepper mottle virus (PeMV), and tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) using DAC-incirect ELISA tests. Two CVMV and five CMV isolates were obtained from the surveys. The CMV isolates induced chlorotic flecks on Nicotiana glutinosa, chlorotic local lesions on N. tabacum cv. WHite Burley, and systemic local lesions on Samsun and N. sylvestris. Datura metel, on the other hand, developed whitish mosaic and severe mosaic symptoms to PeV13 and PeV10 isolates of CVMV, respectively. In D. stramonium, PeV10 caused vein chlorosis, while the other isolate incited vein clearing symptoms. The three cultivars of C. annuum reacted with varying degrees of mosaic and vein mottling symptoms. The rest of the host species reacted negatively to the virus isolates. The five isolates of CMV caused necrotic local lesions on Chenopodium amaranticolor and also varying degrees of mosaic symptom on D. glutinosa, N. sylvestris, N. tabacum cvs. Samsun and WHite Burley, D. stramonium, and D. metel. Vigna sinensis produced local lesions which subsequently bacame systemic, while C. sativus reacted with severe mosaic symptoms. A more severe CMV (PeV11) caused severe mosaic/mottling symptoms to both Matikas and Kawit strains, while the other isolates induced moderate reactions to these cultivars. All isolates obtained reacted positively to the specific CMV and CVMV antibodies in the ELISA tests. The reactions of the 34 differentials to both CMV and CVMV resulted in four resistant and four moderately resistant entries, while none was found resistant to the CMV isolate. Screening for resistance to tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), tomato mosaic virus (ToMV), CMV, and CVMV showed Davao Strain to be moderately resistant to TMV, ToMV, and CVMV. Jatilaba was resistant to the tobamoviruses only, while four other entries were moderately resistant to either TMV or ToMV only. The field performance of seven TMV/ToMV-resistant hot pepper entries and a check cultivar, Matikas, were evaluated. Highest yield and bigger fruits were obtained in Jatilaba. Reactions to pest and diseases were generally moderate.[AS]
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Collaborative vegetable research in Southeast Asia; Proceedings
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