AB  - This paper explores the barriers and factors that enable the success of agroforestry systems. The authors discuss global perspectives on agroforestry, addressing why, despite proven ecological and economic benefits, adoption remains limited among farmers. The paper provides case studies, demonstrating the tangible impacts of agroforestry on farmers’ livelihoods, and presents pathways for enhancing agroforestry adoption and scaling.
AU  - Torquebiau E
AU  - van Dam J
AU  - Pasiecznik N
CY  - the Netherlands
DA  - 2024
DO  - https://doi.org/10.55515/POID9376
DO  - doi
ED  - E. Torquebiau
ED  - Book author
ID  - 76087
JF  -  Agroforestry at Work
KW  - Agroforestry
KW  - Nature-based solutions
KW  - Climate resilience
KW  - Community forestry
KW  - Sustainability
L1  - https://worldveg.tind.io/record/76087/files/Synthesis%20-%20what%20makes%20agroforestry%20work.pdf
L2  - https://worldveg.tind.io/record/76087/files/Synthesis%20-%20what%20makes%20agroforestry%20work.pdf
L4  - https://worldveg.tind.io/record/76087/files/Synthesis%20-%20what%20makes%20agroforestry%20work.pdf
LA  - eng
LK  - https://worldveg.tind.io/record/76087/files/Synthesis%20-%20what%20makes%20agroforestry%20work.pdf
N2  - This paper explores the barriers and factors that enable the success of agroforestry systems. The authors discuss global perspectives on agroforestry, addressing why, despite proven ecological and economic benefits, adoption remains limited among farmers. The paper provides case studies, demonstrating the tangible impacts of agroforestry on farmers’ livelihoods, and presents pathways for enhancing agroforestry adoption and scaling.
PB  - Tropenbos International
PP  - the Netherlands
PY  - 2024
T1  - What makes agroforestry work?
TI  - What makes agroforestry work?
UR  - https://worldveg.tind.io/record/76087/files/Synthesis%20-%20what%20makes%20agroforestry%20work.pdf
Y1  - 2024
ER  -