      recid = {75831},
      author = {Pipithsangchan, P. and Sangkasa-ad, P. and Wongchang, P.  and Rukkid, P. and Piriyavinit, P. and Dachakampoo, S. and  Wongpia, A. and Thammasiri, K. and Chareonsap, P.P. and  Narkprasert, D.},
      title = {Current status of DOA Genebank Thailand in plant genetic  resource conservation and utilization in the year 2019},
      journal = {ACTA HORTICULTURAE},
      address = {2020},
      number = {RESEARCH},
      abstract = {The conservation of plant genetic diversity is an  assurance for national food security and Thailand is  responsible for the conservation of plant germplasm. At  present, the DOA Genebank stores seed samples totaling 184  kinds of plants and 32,917 accessions. The collected seeds  are mainly rice, soybean, groundnut, mungbean, cotton,  blackgram, flowers, vegetables, etc. In the year 2014 to  2019, service for seed utilization is 4,270 accessions  mostly for researchers in government sector, academic  institutes, and farmers. Nowadays, the DOA genebank is one  part of the National Plant Genetic Resources Center (NPGRC)  which is the harmonized integrated project under the  collaboration among 17 organizations in order to conserve  plant genetic resources (PGR) diversity and provide the  plant genetic database of Thailand. DOA Genebank had an  internationally collaboration with other countries which  included 1) the Rural Development Administration (RDA) of  South Korea for the Asian Food and Agriculture Cooperation  Initiative (AFACI) and 14 member countries, 2) the  Japan-Thailand Economic Partnership Agreement (JTEPA) and  DOA Genebank with the National Agriculture and Food  Research Organization (NARO) of Japan, and 3) the Nordic  Genetic Resource Center (NordGen) with Thailand-Sweden  Joint Project (NordGen-DOA). These international  collaborations aimed to achieve the goal of zero hunger in  the Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).},
      url = {http://worldveg.tind.io/record/75831},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1298.31},