      recid = {75817},
      author = {Ayenan, M.A.T. and Aglinglo, L.A. and Sognizoun, D. and  Tchokponhoue, D.A. and Azagba, J. and Sognigbé, N. and  Schreinemachers, P. and Schafleitner, R.},
      title = {Actions stratégiques pour le renforcement du système  semencier formel des cultures maraîchères au Bénin},
      publisher = {World Vegetable Center},
      address = {Shanhua, Taiwan. 2022},
      number = {OTHER. WorldVeg Staff Publication},
      pages = {8 p.},
      url = {http://worldveg.tind.io/record/75817},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22001/wvc.75817},