@article{OTHER, recid = {73384}, author = {Yang, R-Y and Schreinemachers, P and Luoh, J-W and and Sobgui, C. M. and and Mecozzi, Maureen}, title = {School Gardens for Nutrition and Health - A Valuable Investment for Food Security and Nutrition}, address = {2017-04-20}, number = {OTHER. WorldVeg Publication 17-821}, pages = {6 p.}, abstract = {Food security and nutrition are basic human rights and fundamental to a healthy and productive life, yet hunger and malnutrition persist in developing countries. School garden programs with multiple interventions leverage on educational platforms to improve the nutritional behavior and food security of students and their families. This policy brief advocates for investment in multi-intervention school garden programs with (1) school garden, (2) agriculture, nutrition and WASH education and practices, and (3) community outreach in schools with access to water and latrines. We recommend incorporating school garden programs in national curricula to ensure program quality and sustainability.}, url = {http://worldveg.tind.io/record/73384}, }