      recid = {73347},
      title = {CHAPITRE 1   Les différents groupes d’aliments Version  Bamana kan},
      address = {2018-11-01},
      number = {OTHER},
      abstract = {Through the USAID/World Vegetable Center Mali Scaling  project, people in Djale, a village in Mali, set up a  community garden to produce their own vegetables, learned  how to cook a nutritious vegetable-rich porridge for their  children, and established important WASH  (water-sanitation-hygiene) practices for all villagers to  follow. This is one of six videos providing instruction in  basic nutrition and WASH concepts. Produced by the WorldVeg  West and Central Africa - Dry Regions team in Bamako, Mali.  Narration: Bamana kan. Subtitles: French.},
      url = {http://worldveg.tind.io/record/73347},