

The state of Punjab in India is blessed with a climate suitable for growing a wide range of vegetables throughout the year. Yet despite its high rates of economic growth and food production, a large proportion of Punjab's preschool children and rural women consume diets with inadequate levels of energy, iron, riboflavin, vitamin A and vitamin C. Increasing the range of vegetables in the diet is one of the easiest ways to improve family nutrition while a home garden makes fresh produce readily available year-round. Since 2008 AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center and the Department of Food and Nutrition, Punjab Agricultural University have been working together in a project supported by the Sir Ratan Tata Trust to promote improved nutrition in Punjab through increased vegetable production and consumption. They collaboratively designed a 6 m x 6 m home garden where 27 carefully selected vegetables are grown to supply vital nutrients throughout the year. The vegetables are especially rich in vitamin C, beta- carotene (the precursor of vitamin A), iron, dietary fiber and phytochemicals. To maximize the nutritional value of these vegetables, they need to be cooked appropriately. AVRDC and Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, have developed delicious and interesting recipes for each month of the year. Seasonal vegetables from the home garden are combined with ingredients such as legumes, curd, cheese, milk and spices to create tasty and nutritious dishes.




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