      recid = {66663},
      author = {Hanson, P and Yang, R-Y},
      title = {New Micronutrient-Rich Dual-Purpose Tomato for the  Tropics.},
      publisher = {World Vegetable Center},
      address = {Shanhua, Tainan, Taiwan. 2018-10-16},
      number = {RESEARCH},
      abstract = {E-poster about CLN3961, a multiple disease resistant  tomato bred by the World Vegetable Center with 118% more  beta-carotene, 116% more lycopene, and 75% more vitamin C  than regular tomato.  CLN3961 is a short plant that needs  little staking. It produces deep red, firm fruit suitable  for processing or fresh market.},
      url = {http://worldveg.tind.io/record/66663},