      recid = {66169},
      author = {Lynam, John and Cribb, Julian and Kedera, Chagema and  Krawinkel, Michael and Singh, Jai},
      title = {Report of the 7th External Program and Management Review},
      address = {2008-03-03},
      number = {OTHER},
      pages = {146 p.},
      abstract = {Report on AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center's  expanding  need for its expertise, its identity and structure, the  adequacy and range of its funding sources, where best to  locate itself and its R&D effort, the need to attract and  retain talented staff and how to disseminate its scientific  outcomes as swiftly as possible to the people who most need  them in order to fulfil its mission.},
      url = {http://worldveg.tind.io/record/66169},