Protocol for farm household survey of vegetable farmers in Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia to characterize pest management of key vegetable crops (yard-long bean and leaf mustard). Key variables are pesticide use (quantities, frequency, and values), use of various IPM methods, use of protective gear, poisoning symptoms, crop output, input use, pest management knowledge and attitudes toward safe pest management. ABOUT THE DATA Primary sampling unit: Household Sample size: 900 farm households (300 per country) Sampling procedure: Stratified random sample. Stratified by country, crop, province and district. Main production villages purposively selected. Households within selected villages randomly selected. Sample weights: None. Sex-disaggregated: No. Questions were asked to the main person managing the crop (yardlong bean or leaf mustard) and the main person in charge of pest management decisions. In about 30% of the cases this was a woman. Time period covered: 2015. ABOUT THE STUDY Who designed the study? World Vegetable Center (Pepijn Schreinemachers) Who collected the data? Mekong Development Institute (MDI, Laos); Fruit and Vegetable Research Institute (FAVRI, Vietnam), Royal University of Agriculture (RAU, Cambodia) Who analyzed the data? World Vegetable Center (Pepijn Schreinemachers; Hsiao-pu Chen)