      recid = {46677},
      author = {Mishra, S.S. and Moharana, S.K. and Dash, M.R.},
      title = {Review on Cleome gynandra},
      address = {2011},
      number = {RESEARCH},
      abstract = {Cleome gynandra is an abundantly available species and  grows as a weed in common barren land and in crop fields  throughout India .In all over the world in different  countries it is used to treat many diseases in their  traditional system and it is also used in various  traditional culinary systems for its remarkable nutritional  and antioxidant properties. In India alone it is used by  the traditional healers for many diseases e.g. .epilepsy,  irritable bowel syndrome and in protozoal and worm  infections. The high protein and amino acids, minerals  content of this plant can make this as a highly  economically important that can be grown and cultivated  easily. In this review article through various established  facts regarding the medicinal applications of cleome  gynadra has been cited regarding the Immunomodulator,  Antioxidant, Anticarcinogenic, Analgesic properties etc.  Analysing all these established properties cleome gynandra  may be a promising drug in future. Taking into account the  essential mineral content, free radical scavenging  properties and polyphenolic content the possible  antidiabetic drug from cleome has been discussed.},
      url = {http://worldveg.tind.io/record/46677},