      recid = {3877},
      author = {Neeraja, G. and Reddy, K.M. and Reddy, I.P. and Reddy,  Y.N.},
      title = {Effect of irrigation and nitrogen on growth, yield and  yield attributes of rabi onion (Allium cepa L.) in Andhra  Pradesh},
      journal = {VEGETABLE SCIENCE},
      address = {1999},
      number = {RESEARCH},
      abstract = {A field trial was conducted at College of Agriculture,  Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India during rabi  seasons of 1993-94 and 1994-95 in sandy loamy soil with  four levels of irrigations given at IW:CPE ratios of 0.6,  0.8, 1.0 and 1.2 and five levels of nitrogen at 0, 50, 100,  150 and 200 kg/ha in a split plot design with three  replication using the onion cv., N-53. Among the various  treatments, higher level of irrigation (1.2 IW:CPE) and  nitrogen (200 kg ha-1) alone and their interaction resulted  in maximum plant height, more number of leaves per plant,  maximum bulb length, bulb diameter, bulb weight and bulb  yield, but it was observed at par with irrigation at 1.2  IW:CPE ratio + 150 kg N/ha with respect of bulb length,  bulb diameter and bulb yield. Depending upon the fertility  status of the soil, irrigation at 1.2 IW:CPE ratio and  nitrogen from 150-200 kg/ha are recommended for obtaining  highest bulb yield for onion cv. N-53 in rabi season for  sandy loam soils of Southern Telangana Zone of Andhra  Pradesh.},
      url = {http://worldveg.tind.io/record/3877},