
Ninety - three accessions of okra which comprises of 50 West African genotyp es (A. caillei) and 43 Asian genotypes(A. esculentus) were assessed for genetic distinctiveness and relationships using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD). The DNA extraction method of Echevarria-Machado et al(2005) was modified to extract young leaf DNA from 10 day old plants. Good DNA quality with an average of 25.9ng/u1 was obtained as revealed by the high technology quantification method using Rotor-Gene 6000. Seventy-five primers were screened for PCR reaction, 59 shows strong and clear amplification, seven showed weak amplification; while nine did no show at all. The molecular analysis showed that all the thirteen primers used revealed clear distinction between the two genotypes. There were more diversity among the Asian genotypes; this might be due to the fact that they were originally collected from six different countries in the region. Six duplicates accessions were discovered while accession TOT7444 distinguished itself from the other two okra species, an indication which suggests that it might belong to a different species.


